Wednesday, November 7, 2007

#10- Online Image Generator

Welcome to the world of On-Line Image Generator..

My thoughts are brought to you today by a message in a bottle from an island called Blog Land. Well, being stranded on an island in Blog Land can't be too bad if there is popcorn & coke available! What more could you ask for.. right. It was fun doing the Online Generator. It took me a little bit of time of figuring it out to get it right but it was fun once I did. The website I used for the online image generator is . My actual image pic is :
Check out the site. You might find something of interest yourself. I looked at different kinds of image generators that were all a little different from each other. I didn't realize there different types of generators. You can just Google search and find lots of unique image generators to play around with. I hope the next discovery is as interesting as this one. Check back with me and see what else I discover on my next blogging trip!! I might need some more popcorn and coke to finish my next blog. See you back around on Blog Land Island. Bring some snacks when you come back to visit me.

1 comment:

anomalous said...

Don't you mean "Diet" Coke? Or have you given that up since being stranded on Blog Land Island?

Glad to see you got your font size reduced.