Tuesday, November 27, 2007

# 16-WIKIS


Wikis was something new for me until exploring and learning about wikis. I think there are positives and negatives regarding wikis. Adding wikis on a library online catalog would allow patrons to make book reviews which would be good on that standpoint. I understand OCLC is already working towards that on the catalog. The thing that anyone being able to change content/delete someone else's information may not be totally good. There could be content added that's incorrect and without accurate facts. Wikis would be good to use for sharing ideas for group projects and collaberating ideas. I think that a community forum could be an interesting feature with an RSS feed tool for wikis but you have to make sure the content is accurate. A suggestion box wiki where patrons could type in their suggestions on-line instead of the old way (where patrons fill out a suggestion card) which would be faster doing it on-line. Wikis could be used as a ready reference guide for frequently asked questions for patrons and online users. Libraries could also use a wiki to post an event calender of upcoming events or having a shared calender for everyone. One of the cool things about wikis is being about to add on-line slide shows or YouTube videos and the chatroom option on wikis. People could post blogs on wikis which might be interesting for libraries online. I think you have to evaluate the pro and cons with using wikis for libraries. Everyone might have a little different view on wikis but I've tried to look at it both ways.
Got to go and catch up on another blogging exercise. Catch me back later..

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